The sequel to this year’s viral slasher movie, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, which earned a whopping $6 million at the box office, will begin production this fall.
According to a recent report by THR, the sequel to the slasher film based on Pooh will be directed by Rhys Frake-Waterfield, and filming is scheduled to commence this upcoming Fall for the latest addition to the franchise.
Blood and Honey 2 has secured a number of international sales agreements, with countries such as Mexico, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and India already on board.
The sequel is set to be released by ITN in the United States. THR notes, “The production is expected to include a substantially larger budget than its predecessor film.”
The horror film features Amber Doig-Thorne, Maria Taylor, and Danielle Scott in lead roles, and is made possible by the original story entering the public domain. It’s truly an exciting time to be alive!