We Have A Ghost is the typical family movie in the style of Harry and The Hendersons, where the ghost easily connects with the outcast boy of the family, and has some charming Steven Spielberg elements that’ll keep the bumps along the 2 hours and a 15-minute long ride going along smoothly.
While Christopher Landon is used to the horror elements of his previous features, Freaky showed us what he could do if the bonding connected the dots. However, the script for We Have A Ghost lets him dramatically.
Anthony Mackie is the staple of the family and tries to keep it together during the move in the beginning and throughout what is a traumatic experience for the whole family… At least that’s what the movie alludes to throughout. Jahi Di’Allo Winston tries to save the film as much as he can. We Have A Ghost incoherently tries to rip off friendly ghost movies. Featuring some cringe-worthy cameos from Jennifer Coolidge and Tig Notaro, in which Tig is so miscast it makes Anrhonty Mackie not even want to be there, on-screen it is visible.

Christopher Landon is an excellent filmmaker, he has shown it with the Paranormal Activity sequels he has directed. As well as Happy Death Day, Happy Death Day 2 U, and Freaky. As a family film that could be a gateway to introducing kids to horror films, it should be a fun time. However, it doesn’t pull at the heartstrings or have the jokes that it thinks it does.

Overall Grade: 2/5 Stars