The retaliators is a new film that shouldn’t be as as good as it is, it kicks you like a ‘90s actioner that we grew to love over time with B-List stars such as Marc Menchaca chewing up the scenery like it was his own playground and having tons of fun with his role makes the movie amazing alone. The soundtrack will take you back to the days of early 2000’s horror films like Freddy Vs Jason the metal influenced soundtrack will be stuck in your head for days.
The cast is extraordinary for a story that should feel like a violent hallmark movie with the subject matter of the father being a priest, however it fortunately doesn’t tamper with that story line where most movies would be a fluff piece about forgiveness, this one is all about vengeance for the good amount of runtime. It’s a surprisingly brutal ride that will satisfy most horror fans.

Michael Lombardi and Joseph Gatt are the highlights of the film, just dominating the screen each time you see them. You would wish the movie had more of those two in the same sequence. Overall The Retaliators is an awesome thrill ride, while it’s not groundbreaking by any means it’s still worthy for the big screen.
Overall Grade: 3/5 Stars