After her daughter’s death, wealthy American homemaker Julia Lofting moves to London to restart her life. All seems well until she is haunted by the ghosts of other children while mourning for her own.
The Haunting of Julia seems like a half cooked idea that spiraled into a feature length film. It stars the great Mia Farrow of Rosemary’s Baby. Luckily these are separated by a nine year span, or Mia’s career could have been derailed. While the ‘70s were the golden age for ghost stories on the silver screen, this feels lower tier.
Mia tries to deliver a strong performance around a dull script and a supporting cast that feels like they were plucked out of the street vendors. When we go deeper in the story it is similar to The Changeling starring George C. Scott, with the main character leaving their main home, and getting a change of scenery while still being haunted by something from their past.

The pacing of the film, however, is one of the few things that isn’t dull about the movie. The spooky atmosphere does little to the effect atmosphere’s usually have on these kind of genre films like Let’s Scare Jessica To Death and Audrey Rose are perfect examples of how a spooky or eerie atmosphere could help elevate a movie to new heights. This is where ‘The Haunting Of Julia’ fails.
Overall Grade: 2/5 Stars
The 4K features spectacular vision as it is crystal clear in its aspect ratio 2.35.1. While is has no Dolby Atmos track the sound quality is decent enough to get by but it does feel like something is lacking in that department. The extras feature a few new interviews and an audio commentary track.